Genetic Testing
We are all different. Each human
has a different genetic makeup.
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Genetic Testing
We are all different. Each human
has a different genetic makeup.
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genetic testing

About Us


Bentoluene International Health Concept is a fast growing medical services company providing people in Nigeria access in-country to preventative, diagnostic and therapeutic medical services in clinical areas across all stages of life. Our mission is to consistently provide actionable insights for improved healthcare and a healthier life.

Our Services

Stem Cell Therapy

The placenta has been found to be highly instrumental for treatment over 85 known diseases including Sickle Cell Anemia, blood cancer and Cerebral Palsy. Our Stem Cell service also includes

Genetic Testings

Each human has a different genetic makeup. As a result our bodies react to our environment in different ways.⁣ Our genetic testing services help to prevent, diagnose and treat diseases


Vaccines stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against infection or disease. It is one of the most successful and cost-effective ways to protect children’s health and their future.

Medical Outreach

We help corporate organizations, religious institutions, clubs, charities, families, villages and communities to organize medical outreach based on their budget, the target beneficiaries and locations.

Medical Equipment Supply

Bentoluene is your trusted supplier of all kinds of medical equipment in Nigeria. Hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, medical laboratories, pharmacy stores and other health care providers in Nigeria have come to trust us with

years of use
cord blood transplants
million cord blood units